Either they were...
1) DF or DA
2) OR they now entertain the heavenly hope (since the picture is of the great crowd)
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
i'm curious as to why the picture in the new revelation book, on this weeks schedule, seems to be different than the original version.
does anyone know why?
it shows completely two different individuals, but the same background.
Either they were...
1) DF or DA
2) OR they now entertain the heavenly hope (since the picture is of the great crowd)
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
does your conscience torment you knowing that you are misleading the flock of god as you continue teaching them the heresies of the watchtower society?.
why are you staying in the organization and posting here at the same time?.
do you really believe that you can help your families to reject the watchtower society while remaining an elder and visibly appearing to support their lies and false teachings?.
I declined eldership twice over the last five years. Still an active MS though. I suppose I qualify to answer this post.
My direction is hoping for JW reform in some way, shape or form. I believe it will happen. History will and does repeat itself. Somewhat like what happened with the Bible Students who had the JWs branch off from them in the early 20th century. Gary Buss painted the picture (in words of course) of the Watchtower Witnesses and the Jehovah's Witnesses. Yes, I do see it happening one day.
I believe many of the core teachings, such as non-Trinity, no hellfire, no immortal soul, paradise in both heaven and earth...etc. However, I don't entertain the other so-called "understandings", especially in regards to speculative theories the WTS constantly changes with over time. Those doctrines I avoid. I don't force anyone to believe those "understandings" and neither will anybody force me to believe what I don't want to. I pick and choose my material for talks to present to the congregation. There hasn't been any problems with the elder body nor the CO in this regard. I personally think they envy me because of the freedom I have. My hands aren't tied up like theirs with organizational policy and procedure.
I do go out in FS. I do so out of my own willingness. I strictly use the Bible to offer hope and encouragement. I don't not focus on debating. If I want to offer any literature in order to leave a thought, it may be a tract. Probably the one on "Who is Jehovah?", "Who is Jesus Christ?" or "Would you like to know more about the Bible?". Something simple to stimulate interest or to stir up questions for returning. My ministry is simple, but heartfelt.
Jehovah is my God. Jesus is my Master and the Head of the congregation. NOT THE WTS.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
hey all,.
just checkin' in.
been here since '01, but don't even have 500 posts.
I'll appear and than I'll submerge.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
before i quit going to the meetings just before they announced that someone was to be reinstated they would ask that the congregation not clap due to the seriousness of the situation.
i thought it was so pathetic.
do they still announce that now when some one is reinstated?.
In my congregation, everyone generally claps if the person was reinstated from a DA. Nobody claps if the person was reinstated from a DF. And yes, there is a difference.
How do we know since the specifics aren't announced, except the generic "So and So is no longer a Jehovah's Witness"?
Believe me, our congregation knows if the offense was a DA or a DF. Word gets out.
The elders haven't hindered anyone from clapping or not. That is because some elders clapped themselves upon a reinstatement of a DA one.
Our congregation is a bit more liberal I think.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial; font-size: 18px; color: #000099; } .style2 { font-family: arial; font-size: 16px; color: #000099; } .style3 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style4 {font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; } .style5 {font-size: 12px} .style6 {font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-style: italic; } --> you must push, push, push to accomplish more, more, moreone of the major reasons in leaving the organization was the pressure exerted on the individual.
in the congregation.
it always seemed as if your best was never good enough and more could .
Yes, the WTS company are guilty of making those in the congregations feel as if they weren't doing enough.
However, I learned that it doesn't matter what the publishing corporation thinks and insinuates. I had gotten trapped into that thinking myself before. But I ALLOWED that thinking to influence me and then I started to feel guilty. In reality, I was trusting in myself or trusting in others too much. That is what was damaging to me. What I then did was to go to my Father in heaven and to the Head of the congregation and the guilt trip didn't matter anymore.
There are many many many in my congregation and circuit that feel guilty, as they have expressed such to me. They see that I'm not that way or that I never seemed loaded down with the pressure to do more, more, more and to push, push, push. They confide in me and I always would show them from the scriptures that they need not feel that way. I tell them that their thinking allows them to feel that way. I tell them to change their thinking, it would change their life. I find that they are relieved and that they are learning. So, what am I doing about this?
I'm directing them to the true source of comfort and refreshment. Hopefully they will see that the WTS is NOT everything that it seems to be. Only their relationship with their Father through His Son can be.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
humans are naturally curious creatures.
we learn from experience better than words.
so with the internet in almost every witness home, and the society constantly harping on people to avoid it, how many do you think have at least checked it out?
And let me also add this:
At my recent KMS school for appointed brothers, much time was spent on the topic of refraining from pornography. This was whether it was from the internet or rented movies. Now why would that topic even come up? BECAUSE male Jehovah's Witnesses are DOING or HAD DONE so.
It doesn't take much to realize if any JW with internet access have viewed XJW/apostate sites. Whether they keep looking at it or not, that would depend on each individual.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
humans are naturally curious creatures.
we learn from experience better than words.
so with the internet in almost every witness home, and the society constantly harping on people to avoid it, how many do you think have at least checked it out?
My opinion. About 80%.
And from that, most of them found some real truth about the WTS. So many of them harbor ideas about the substance of the current teachings in the form of the buzz word "current understanding". Sure, they'll go along, for now, with the general flow of the WTS because they believe many of the central core doctrines that are taught. Some being the non-Trinitarian view, no hellfire, no immortal soul, paradise on earth and/or heaven..etc.
Evidence shows that those who "HAVE" to teach topics that they now are unsure of and have no confidence in (such as 1914, seven trumpet blasts), they have no enthusiasm in their talks or presentations. Of course not. They don't believe it whole-souled.
The only ones who will preach with such fervor about certain doctrines of the WTS that are exposed on XJW sites, are the ones who haven't seen these sites or are still hard-core believers in such topics.
I'm confident to say that many JWs who viewed XJW/apostate web-sites are thinking twice about the company in the form of the WTS and the dealings of such. Such can be seen of the decline in donations.
Of course, there may be a handful of JWs who will reject all XJW/Apostate sites if they stumble upon them. But only a handful.
Just my opinion.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
have you heard about a letter for all congregations announced next new change in wts politics?.
in letter is information that the time for the public talk will be reduced to 30 minutes.. does anyone have a copy?
I'll have to really wait and see if this really materializes. The poster starting this thread hasn't much of a history here. Also, I'd like to see if he'll respond to this thread anytime soon.
Besides, I'm sure that there MUST be others here with insider information if this were true (i.e. elders, MS, insider friends at bethel branch locations...etc). If so, can you confirm this?
I noticed that other rumors that ended up being true always had quick and sufficient backup evidence that was presented by any poster on JWD. Until then, I'm not buying this.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
P.S. Could it be possible that this rumor was intended to be planted here and to see if any active JWs who comes to this site were to bring this topic up to members in their own congregation? If so, then the person mentioning this so-called "new arrangement" would be asked by the elders how he/she got this information?
i recently stopped because of the large amount of recycled information.
do you still read them?
i really need some new light!!!
I'm checking if the counter works correctly for me and I notice that it doesn't.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
i recently stopped because of the large amount of recycled information.
do you still read them?
i really need some new light!!!
Watkins :
Off topic here. But I noticed you have two consecutive replies. The first one is numbered 29 of 29 and the second one is number 30 of 30. How is that possible?
Shouldn't it be 29 of 30 and then 30 of 30?
Yeah, I know. What is my point? I don't have one. Just an observation.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)